Sīkdatņu uzstādījumi

Sīkdatnes tiek izmantotas vietnes funkcionalitātei un analītikai. Ir iespējams atteikties no analītikas sīkdatnēm.

Apskatīt sīkdatņu politiku

The security of Billorg’s customer data is ensured by the following mechanisms:

  • Each user area (organization) creates its own database with a unique user;
  • An encryption key is created for each user area (organization);
  • All documents entered by the client and associated content data (except meta data) are encrypted with the encryption key.

Such a security mechanism ensures two important things:

  1. In the event of a Billorg code error, the possibility for one customer to see the data of other customers is eliminated;
  2. In case of a cyber attack, the data obtained by the malefactor will be invalid.

Where is the data stored? #

The data is stored in the data center of SIA “Brīvs” – closed and guarded premises in the European Union, Latvia, Riga.

Who has access to customer data? #

Data can be accessed by SIA “Brīvs” Billorg systems administrator and senior programmer for the product, with the aim of maintaining the continuous functionality of the system or, if necessary, helping the client with data or other technical problems. The employees who access this data have signed a “confidentiality” agreement, which determines that any information of third parties (customers) cannot be disclosed in any way both during the term of the agreement and after its termination.