Development and maintenance

1. What is software development?

The software development process is a set of steps or stages that are completed until the software is developed and delivered to the customer. In short, that is a process in which the Ltech team creates a solution for Your company.

Software development usually consists of six stages:

  • Requirements analysis – The first step in software development is to define the requirements needed to determine what goals the program needs to achieve and what its functionality will be. This stage is called business or system analysis. More about this is described here.
  • Software design and preparation – in this step we are de-terminating how the software will work, look and who is responsible for it;
  • Software development implementation – in the software implementation phase, developers start their work on software development;
  • Testing – testers check whether the developed solution works according to the specified functionality to identify and eliminate errors;
  • Documentation – after the software is developed, the process of creating the documentation takes place in order to describe how the program should be used by business users;
  • Software maintenance – the period after a software is delivered to the client and in which the developers support the operation of the program.
The software development process makes everything much simpler and reduces the number of potential problems. Some companies and government agencies require software development to meet a quality management standard: ISO 12207, which defines the software lifecycle.

2. What is software maintenance?

From a process perspective, maintenance is the last step in the development cycle, but it involves a lot of responsibility. First, this is the longest step in the process, as maintenance should take place while the system is performing its business functions. Secondly, this is the most important stage, because the system is already working in production and in case of errors and other issues, the response should be immediate.

The Ltech team provides maintenance services in accordance with the best practices of the IT industry and the level of service (SLA) the client is specifying. We also offer maintenance services for solutions implemented by other companies, as well as software developed by other service providers.

During these years we have accumulated a lot of experience in various industries, you can read more about it here.


We program in different programming languages ​​using the most popular frameworks. You can read more about our technology here.

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