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Definitions #

  1. Hrono.io – Tool, software, application, cloud solution, system, created by SIA “Brīvs”, the main purpose of which is to easily record working hours
  2. Organization – One company’s purchased standalone site with all outgoing configuration: settings, projects, teams, users, reports, absences, calendar, etc.
  3. Project – Project is intended to create or maintain a defined product or provide a service. Specific tasks and works are carried out within the project. On Hrono.io for a project you can:
    1. Add a client;
    2. Add teams and users;
    3. View different reports;
    4. Plan a budget.
  4. User – An individual person (employee) who uses Hrono.io with a goal of entering worked time;
  5. Administrator – A user with access to the administration panel for the purpose of configure Hrono.io, including adding / deactivating users, creating, editing and removing projects, performing other administrative actions, which are described in more detail on Hrono.io – Administration management.

Authentication #

In order to start working with the Hrono.io tool, you will need to use the website: https://hrono.io

Authentication is done using your e-mail and previously set password. After entering e-mail and password, click on the “Login” button.

What email to choose / How to get a password?

An administrator of the organization creates a user for the first time, as a result of which an invitation to complete the registration will be sent to the user’s e-mail address. The user will receive an invitation link in his e-mail, which will require him to choose a password.

The user will then be able to authenticate using his/her email and the created password.

Note! The user can choose whether to use Hrono.io in dark or light mode by clicking on the moon or light bulb icon.

In case of a successful connection, the user will see the current day’s timesheet page.

Read more about how to enter your working hours on Enter / edit / delete time

An existing user

Hrono.io tool allows multiple organizations to be attached to one user’s email. In this case, the user will be receive an email invitation with a link to the organizations section. The user, from his profile will have to confirm joining the organization. User can get to this section from no Hrono.io tool by clicking on his/her name (profile) on the right side at the top of the page and choosing “Organizations” section.

All the organizations the user is added to will be available in the list. The user can confirm joining the organization by clicking on the “Accept” button.

Tiklīdz lietotājs būs apstiprinājis pievienošanos jaunajai organizācijai, viņam būs iespēja izvēlēties, kuras organizācijas ietvaros aizpildīt padarīta laika uzskaiti. To iespējams izdarīt, spiežot uz organizācijas nosaukumu.

As soon as the user will have confirmed joining the norganization, he/she will be able to choose within which organization to enter the worked hours. This can be done by clicking on the name of the current organization.

Forgot password or e-mail #

If you have forgotten your password:

The user has the option to reset the password by clicking on the link “Forgot password“, located below the authorization window.

If you have forgotten your e-mail address:

In this case you will need to contact the administrator of your company/organization (company representative responsible for Hrono.io administration) and request user’s email to be resent. After that, the user will be able to restore the password using the functionality – Forgot password.